Watch as the CNB Elves Surprise the Kids at Parkdale Elementary
By Central National Bank|2020-08-24T20:11:00-05:00December 19th, 2017|
For more than 20 years, we’ve enjoyed a partnership with Parkdale Elementary through Waco ISD’s Adopt-A-School program.

Watch as our Elves ‘Kid Around’ at Parkdale Elementary
By Central National Bank|2019-05-06T20:56:42-05:00December 10th, 2015|
On Wednesday, the CNB elves stopped by our Waco ISD adopt-a-school, Parkdale Elementary, to hand out books for Storybook Christmas.

The CNB Elves take Storybook Christmas to Parkdale Elementary
By Central National Bank|2019-05-06T21:06:12-05:00December 17th, 2014|
The elves of Central National Bank recently stopped by our Waco ISD Adopt-A-School Partner, Parkdale Elementary, to deliver books for Storybook Christmas.