During the holiday season, it’s hard to keep up with everything going on in the news, so you may have missed that our chief information officer, Rusty Haferkamp, was featured in the November issue of Banking CIO Outlook. Well, even if it wasn’t the holiday season, you (and the rest of the country) likely still would have missed it because you probably don’t subscribe to that niche publication.
Rusty Haferkamp Banking CIO Outlook Article Preview

In the November issue, Rusty talks about the challenges and opportunities facing banks, especially in today’s increasingly digital landscape:

“The financial industry is just as capable of innovation as other top tier industries. The principal difference, aside from maybe healthcare and defense, is we have to put security above all the other items on the wish list.”

He also goes on to talk about the evolving role of chief information officers—it’s no longer just enough for CIOs to keep systems protected and operational, but it’s now becoming increasingly more important to educate both employees and customers about cyber threats:

“Threats used to be pretty simple to understand and easy to spot. Today, the threats are more dynamic and targeted. Educating employees and customers is a task everyone in IT should tackle.”

If you’d like to check out the full copy of the article, you can click here. Additionally, if you’d like to read some of Rusty’s other articles about cyber security, here are a few:

By |2020-08-24T20:45:06-05:00December 24th, 2015|0 Comments

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